Sunday, October 21, 2007

October 21, 2007

The doctors warned us it would be a roller coaster ride, and now I understand what they meant. Sophie is still doing OK, but she continues to need the ventilator to breathe and is having apneas (short periods where she doesn't breathe and her heart rate and oxygen level goes down). Today during our visit, the nurse suctioned her lungs and they got a lot of yuck out of there. We're hoping that once that stuff is all cleared out she will do better and can start to breathe on her own.

She is being fed mom's milk (which is the one thing I feel like I can do to help her) every 2 hours. They have her on a continuous drip of milk to her stomach through a feeding tube in her nose and she gets 2ml of milk over the course of an hour. She is tolerating her feedings so that's a good sign. She is gaining weight and now weighs 630gm. She looks really good and pink....just soooo tiny.

The nurses tell us she is really feisty. Yesterday she wiggled herself out of her diaper, and kicked it over the edge of her bedding. She wiggles a lot and opens her eyes for us when we visit. She makes us so happy, and we love her so much.

1 comment:

tiggerone said...

Hi Lorraine, Kie and Little Sophie Sunshine,

Congratulations!!! How wonderful is that... to be able receive pictures and updates on your precious wee daughter. That absolute love you both have for her shines through like a bright light and warms my heart. Iam so happy for you. My love and prayers are with you. I look forward to future pictures and updates on Sophie's progress.

Much love
Helen (Laurie's mom)