Sophie is having a wonderful time with her nurse Patrice. She bundles her up and tucks her into bed so perfectly and I can tell she loves it. Patrice taught me that Sophie likes to have her head and mid section covered with both hands. It makes her feel safe. Lorraine and I couldn't make it to the hospital yesterday but we felt secure knowing she was with Patrice. Thank you so much.
Sophie is slowly gaining weight and it really shows on her legs. Her last weigh-in was 1186grms.... she's so close to 1200. My father last saw her at 886grms or so and he noticed she looked much more baby like. She has some chubby cheeks now.. at both ends of her. Also her feeds are gravity fed, 'bolis' method I think it's called. It takes her 10 minutes to eat and now she seems to wake up early before her next feeding time. She gets 16ml every 2 hrs and I think they will increase that. She gets weighed again tonight so hopefully goodbye cpap.
Here's a picture of Lorraine drying off Sophie after bathtime.
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